Four-piece band playing pop, rock, funk, soul, reggae covers & originals.

Upcoming Gigs as of July 2024
Date Description Venue Venue contact/web Start Finish £
Saturday 10 August 2024 Mayor's Fund Beer & Music Festival: 19:30 - Nidderdale Community Choir; 20:00 Nidderdale Ukuleles; 21:00 The Merlins (Timings approximate) Memorial Hall Pateley Bridge Pateley Bridge Memorial Hall 19:0023:30Eventbrite Tickets £12
Sunday 11 August 2024 North Yorkshire Council - Band Concerts Knaresborough Castle Knaresborough Castle grounds
Monday 26th August 2024 Village Festival Glasshouses Cricket Club TBCTBC£Free
Sunday 13th October 2024 Autumn Fair Living Potential Care Farm, Sicklinghall LS22 4BN Living Potential Care Farm - News 11:0015:00£TBC
Saturday 12th April 2025 Parkinson's UK Fundraiser Memorial Hall Pateley Bridge Pateley Bridge Memorial Hall TBCTBCTicket £TBC

Past Gigs
Date Description Venue Venue contact/web Start Finish £
Sunday 14 July 2024 North Yorkshire Council - Band Concerts Ripon Spa Gardens. Many thanks for publicity & on-site help to the enthusiastic & friendly team at Café in the Park - Ripon. Thanks to the lively crowd who braved the elements, came to chat, and even danced under the trees in the rain. A big thank-you to those who donated to our equipment fund. We hope to be back when summer returns. Bandstand Ripon Spa Gardens 14:0016:00Free
Sunday 9 June 2024 North Yorkshire Council - Band Concerts Pateley Bridge Recreation Ground. Many thanks to everyone who shared our fun in the inclement weather. The rain (but not the wind) did stop & the sun did eventually shine. A big thank you to those who donated to our equipment fund. Hope to be back in better weather. Bandstand Pateley Bridge
Sunday 2 June 2024 North Yorkshire Council - Band Concerts Harrogate Valley Gardens. Sincere apologies to anyone who travelled today. Unavoidably CANCELLED at the very last minute. We were on-site at 12:30. NYC provided incorrect/incomplete bandstand access information & keys. No one on site could provide access, so we were unable to power any equipment. We have emailed NYC & await their response. Bandstand Valley Gardens 14:0016:00Free
Saturday 11 May 2024 Music pub gig Bridge Inn Pateley Bridge. Great venue, fantastic crowd, excellent weather, plus food & drink. What's not to like? Hope to make another appearance soon. Bridge Inn FaceBook Page Video clip on page 16:0019:00Free